The Outcome of ADHD Counseling (unlocking superpowers)

At times it can seem as though your ADHD is a barrier to success in life, school, your career, relationships, or doing things around the house.

And given this it sounds like insanity to think that your ADHD can actually be a superpower; but it not only is true, it ultimately is our outcome of counseling and therapy.

More than likely you already are using your ADHD superpowers, just not often or timely.

Batman wouldn’t send Superman to go dust for fingerprints! Superman is better suited for the heavy lifting. In the end it’s all about “positioning”. In counseling you will discuss positioning: how to leverage your superpowers and ultimate be successful in all areas of life.

When we talk about superpowers we are referring to our ADHD symptoms, or traits, used in certain situations to make you better than “normal” people.

An easy example: Hyperactivity. Can’t sit still to save your life? But you were the best, fastest, and most engaged kid on the field in your sport? Well when you are a grandparent, you’ll be the only one still running around with their grandchildren. Everyone else will be wishing they had the energy to spend with their families.

The problem with superpowers is they usually have a downside, like in the previous example, school and work are the bane of the hyperactive's existence! But if we can position the ADHDer so they can habitually use their superpower the possibilities of success are endless!

A few successes that have ADHD who’ve done this: Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison.

They were the outcasts as kids; told they would never amount to anything. They failed in school and then in job after job. But kept plugging away. And here we have another superpower: resiliency! I digress...

Unleash your superpower; every “problem” is secretly hiding one!

If you still have your doubts remember: If you place a roaster in a box, never allowing it to see the sun, it will never crow. Likewise, if you take it out of the box after years of being in their it still may never crow. BUT, if we position that roaster to see the sun everyday, it will fulfill its job without fail. And like the late Great Muhammad Ali said “I’ve seen the sun and I’m crowin’!”

Read below 10 superpowers and their kryptonites to get you started with this superpower paradigm shift:

Remember the list goes on and on and every ADHDer has a different combination of superpowers, so be mindful and be on the lookout. You may have a good clue to just 1 of yours if you got through this whole article in one shot.